
14 November 2013

Dead is a Battlefield

By Marlene Perez
Series: Book #6 Dead Is..
ISBN: 9780547607342
Publisher: Graphia
Publication Date: March 6th 2012
Number of Pages: 240
Source: ILL 

Goodreads Summary: Jessica Walsh is starting her freshman year at Nightshade High and trying to forget about the tragic events surrounding her brother’s graduation. She wants to have a normal high school experience. But that’s easier said than done in Nightshade. There’s a new guy at school who seems to be turning the girls into lovesick zombies. And Jessica has other worries—like her crush on a cute but moody lead singer, and the mysterious tattoo that appeared on her arm one day that lets her know whenever there is trouble brewing. Jessica learns she’s a Virago, a woman warrior chosen to fight evil whenever it threatens her hometown. But does a lowly freshman really have
what it takes to keep Nightshade safe?

My Rating:  

Since this is book #6 in this series, you might already be familiar with the setting and such. Thing is, this book marks the beginning of a new narrator and supporting characters. No longer do we have the physic Daisy Giordano, who graduated from high school at the end of book #5 (Dead is Not an Option). We now have Jessica, who is the younger sister of Sean (who is dating Samantha, Daisy's best friend from previous books). 

I don't know if Perez is trying to reach out to the younger spectrum of young adult readers because why else would we go from following the tale of sisters in high school and college to some freshmen (who happen to go after older, junior guys)? Because of this, I think that the characters seemed a little too immature for my reading taste. I mean, the way that Dominic treats her (switching between hot & cold) really got on my nerves. Jessica as a character over all didn't seem to have much depth to her. 

The two characters I really liked were Flo and Raven (fellow Viragos along with Andy). Flo is the kind of girl who kicks butt and I like her sense of humor through the t-shirts she wears. Example: I PUT THE FATAL IN EMME FATALE. and PLEASE DON'T FEED THE ZOMBIES. I've always liked her in the previous books and I am glad we get to see more of her. 

Raven also fascinates me. She's a Virago but also a pacifist (interesting combo right?). She doesn't let the relationship issues between Jessica & her brother Dominic define her friendship with Jessica, which I admired. 

One thing that made this book difficult to read was the fact the characters seemed oblivious to the danger that was right in front of them! At least in the other books, there was a sense of mystery and the reader didn't know what was up from the beginning. Saying that, the book is a quick read (it being just shy of 250 pages).

Things that redeemed this book from being two-stars: 

1. ZOMBIES! Though not actual zombies, it still is a plus in my mind to involve zombies :)
2. Though I didn't like Dominic at all, his seer abilities were really cool. Clues given as songs? Awesome! It is a recycled idea - the "haunted" jukebox in Slim's Diner is ringing bells. Still, it is a unique paranormal talent.

That all being said, I did go on to read book #7, Dead is a Killer Tune. My review on that one will be up shortly. *UPDATE* Review is posted and can be found here!

Update: To clarify, the author did say on her website that this book was part of a spin-off series. 

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